
How To Install J2me In Netbeans

Installing Your Software

Software Requirements

The post-obit software components are required to build and run your first solution using Deject Connector for Java:

  • Microsoft Windows seven (32-bit or 64-bit) with recent service packs or later
  • Cloud Connector for Java ME SDK
  • Java SE Evolution Kit (JDK) 7 or later
  • Java ME SDK viii.0
  • NetBeans 8.0 or later
  • Java ME SDK viii.0 Plugins for NetBeans

To install this software, follow the instructions in the Software Installation section.

Software Installation

In order to develop a Deject Connector based awarding or solution, yous need to install and configure several software pieces.

Cloud Connector for Java ME SDK

The get-go piece of software is the Cloud Connector for Java ME SDK. This parcel includes a collection of samples, solutions and libraries that will assist you to develop Java applications using Cloud Connector. This file can be downloaded from here:

Download Deject Connector for Java ME

To work with this bundle y'all accept to unzip the file you just downloaded. The main directory (cc4j_me_sdk_1.0.0) has the following structure:

  • /certificates: Contains the Digi public certificate.
  • /configuration: Contains the template of the Cloud Connector configuration file. For further data on this file, read the Deject Connector Configuration topic.
  • /libraries: Contains the Cloud Connector libraries:
    • CloudConnector_Java ME_to_customize /CloudConnector.jar: Cloud Connector library for Java ME which allows you to create a custom Cloud Connector for your platform. This library is the core on which the implementations for any platform are based.
    • CloudConnector_Java ME _ for_Emulator /CloudConnector.jar: Deject Connector library for Coffee ME which allows the connectedness of your Java ME Emulator with Device Cloud. This library includes the lawmaking of the previous library and the custom implementation for Java ME Emulator platforms. The code of this concluding part is included in /samples/platform_customizations. The javadoc is included in the file called CloudConnector-javadoc.aught located inside the CloudConnector_Java ME _ for_Emulator folder.
  • /samples:
    • java_apps: Contains several sample applications using the Cloud Connector library.
    • platform_customizations: Contains the Emulator customization source code of the Cloud Connector for Coffee ME.
    • web_apps: Contains the source code of the Web Application used for the Tank Demo.
  • License_Agreements.txt: Legal agreement between the stop-user and Etherios for use of Etherios technology.
  • Release_Notes.rtf: Latest release information of Deject Connector for Java.

Java SE Development Kit

You must install a Java SE Evolution Kit (JDK) in order to compile Java projects. The recommended version is JDK 8. If you already have a JDK or higher installed on your PC, you can skip this stride.

You can download the JDK from here:

Once the download is consummate, execute it and follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation process.

Coffee ME SDK eight.0

Next you volition need to install Coffee ME SDK 8.0. This software provides all the required libraries and binaries to compile Coffee ME applications and run them in your device. Yous tin can download it from:

Once the download is complete, execute it and follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation process.

NetBeans IDE

To be able to develop, compile, and run Java ME applications, you need an IDE capable of managing Java ME projects and performing various project operations. The recommended IDE to work with Java ME is NetBeans version 8.0 or later. You can download it from the following link:

In one case the download is complete, execute the file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

Java ME SDK 8.0 Plugins for NetBeans

In order to use the Java ME SDK with NetBeans IDE, several plugins integrating Java ME functionality into the IDE are required. These required plugins are the Java ME SDK Tools plugins. To install them, follow these instructions:

  1. Get to and locate the section called ORACLE Java ME SDK 8 DOWNLOAD.
  2. Download Oracle Coffee ME SDK eight Plugins for NetBeans 8 by clicking the link on the right (ensure yous have already accustomed the License Agreement on the meridian of the page).
  3. Once downloaded, uncompress the zip file to a directory (the zip file does not contain a directory, so ensure you create 1 for its contents). It contains several *.nbm files.
  4. Open the NetBeans IDE.
  5. Navigate to Tools > Plugins within the carte du jour.
  6. Select the Downloaded tab and click on the Add Plugins... push in the elevation left corner of the dialog.
  7. Navigate to the directory where the uncompressed *.nbm files are located and select all of them.
  8. Click the Open up button to add together the list of plug-ins to the table on the left.
  9. Select all of them and click the Install button on the lesser left corner of the page.
  10. The NetBeans IDE Plugin Installer sorcerer will be open; follow the steps inside this wizard.
  11. NetBeans will automatically restart to consummate the installation process.


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